Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow in Vegas? Who would of thought it possible!

After much crying and moaning(from my kids not me!) and much prayer from my children, we recieved a Christmas miracle! It snowed in Vegas! I think we had about 8 inches. Boy was it a fun day!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Guess Who's 1!

Ok, so I know I have been delinquent in my updates. Just wanted to wish my little Auti a Happy Birthday yesterday. I can't believe she is one! This year has flown by. Autumn is a sweet spirit. When I get the pictures of her party, I will post them.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The latest Elliism by Jim

While driving down the road Ellie saw a lady driving a car next to us with two dogs poking their heads out of the windows. After giggling at the dogs for a bit Ellie asked me "Daddy, why do some people take their dogs everywhere they go?" I replied "I don't know honey." Ellie then thought for a second and stated "I guess they do it because they don't have a boyfriend!"

Monday, November 3, 2008


So Halloween was a blast this year! Every year my mom likes to have a Halloween party and this year we did it on All Hallows Eve! I even dressed up this year. Take a look!

Ok, so I was trying to be Punky Brewster. For those of you who don't know who that is, look it up! Anyway, at the end of the evening, I realized I was flashing gang colors all night(see the bandannas). Way to go!

Here is my little bat girl. She is showing off her knee with the band aid because before we left for the party I noticed that there was a tiny hole in her costume. Well to remedy that, Ellie decided to put a band aid on it and in her words, " I covered the hole up so you can't see it." Makes sense.

Here is my vampire. Be careful at my house!

Miss Auti's first Halloween. The trick or treat bag is almost bigger than her!

All in all we had a great night. It was good to see all the trick or treaters out on our street. I really don't like the trunk or treats and the mall sponsored stuff on Halloween. I know people gravitate towards those type of functions because of safety but I feel if you take the time to know the people in your neighborhood it should be safe. I want my children to have the types of experiences that I grew up having with the Holidays. Especially when they are trying to take them away at school.
I will get off my soap box now! Update on the election. Cheyenne ran a clean campaign, gave a wonderful speech and was cheered by all. Unfortunately, she did not win. I feel she should have by the amount of cheers received compared to the other candidates but what do I know. Cheyenne was unfazed by not winning. I am so proud of her for trying. I never in a million years would have done what she did.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Update - for September!

What happened to September? It went by so quick that I did not get a chance to update my blog. So what happened last month? Well.............

Ellie dressed herself for bed. Pippi Longstockings eat your heart out!

Autumn ransacked the videos. (For the thousandth time!)

And the most exciting thing that happened in September was Cheyenne getting her ears pierced!

Cheyenne's surprised look as I tell her that she can get her ear's pierced. Yes we premeditated this surprise!

Here we are picking out earrings. There was so many to choose from!

Getting our ears pierced. We maybe just a little bit nervous!

The end result! I know we can't see her newly pierced ears but you can tell she is pleased!

I will be updating my blog for October pretty soon. We are anxiously awaiting an important election. The presidential race. No, not the national one! The one for student council! It seems we have a politician on our hands! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The First Day of School 2008

Monday, August 25 was the girls first day of school. Ellie started Kindergarten and Cheyenne started 5th grade (yikes! only one year until junior high!) Cheyenne loves her new teacher, Mrs. Reynolds and is so excited about the upcoming year. Ellie had a rough first day. She kept telling us that she was nervous. I guess that translated into her not eating enough at lunch and then having low blood sugar. on the way home from school, she burst into tears and said that she got into trouble and the teacher "yelled" at her. Well, after getting a snack in her, the true story came out. The teacher asked the kids to be quiet and it scared Ellie and so she cried. Long story short, she went back the next day and has been great about school since. Homework is another story!Nayeli and Brianna leaving for school. Dyanne and I just wanted to cry!

First day of school pictures. We will see how much they have grown through the year by taking pictures at the end of the year.

Love the faces. I think this represents how the girls really felt about the first day of school. Notice Cheyenne's confident smile. She is growing up too fast. Enough said about Ellie's face!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Have you seen this movie?

Grandma: "Have you seen any movies lately?"

Ellie: "Yeah, the Olympics"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I thought it would be my civic responsibility to notify everyone that there has been a potato thief spotted in the vicinity of my kitchen. The thief's M.O. is unbearable cuteness and an uncanny ability to stop you in your tracks with just one giggle! Should be considered armed and huggable!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Elliisms (pronounced Ellie isms)

So I am compiling a list of sayings that Ellie has said. If you have been around her for any amount of time you know that she has this uncanny ability to say the funniest things! She is always crackin us up. Some things she says just make you wonder what is going on in that mind of hers! I would love to write a children's book about her silly sayings(not the bad words of course!) If you have experienced any of Ellie's Elliisms please leave a comment and let me know. I will add it to the list.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


My Grandma Prince turned 98 years old on July 21.
So our dilemma was what to get my grandma for her birthday. We decided upon a bird feeder and bird seed. She loves to watch the birds from her bedroom. Well, we went to visit her and she was dressed up so pretty and out of her bed! I cannot imagine living to 98 years but I am glad that my children get to know their great-grandma. She has many family and friends that cherish her very much and you could tell by the pile of presents that were in her living room! Happy Birthday Grandma!

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight

Jim and I went to see The Dark Knight today. It was awesome! Definitely not a movie for children. Heath Ledger played the Joker very well. He was so evil! I wonder if playing this part lead to his death? It makes one wonder. Unlike some people who where in the theater to see the Joker, I was there to see Batman. The movie made me think about how evil the world is becoming and how sometimes evil is glorified. The movie also was about making the right choices and doing the right things even when they are not easy. But mostly I thought about my Batman , Jim. We have an inside joke that Jim is Batman. I think he is alot like that. He puts his life on the line every time he goes to work so that our city is safe for all of us. Some of the things he sees and has to do is very hard but he does it anyway. He is my hero!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Autumn @ 6 months

Auti had her six month checkup today. She weighs 16 lbs 12 oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. She is still our little runt!
Here is a few pictures of her.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


So I had my surgery. The worst part was waking up from the anesthesia. Nausea and the shakes definitely suck! I got through the two days with big tampons up my nose and now just have the splints. They definitely don't feel comfortable. Now I just have to endure basically three weeks of not doing much. That is going to be the hard part! I am going to try and learn this blog stuff. Who knows, I might figure it out!

Friday, June 6, 2008


Well I am trying to get this blog thing going. I will probably have more time after my surgery. I am going in on June 16 for sinus surgery. It scares me to death but I really have no other choice. After the surgery is what is really going to stink. I cannot bend over, lift heavy objects or nothing for three weeks. I can't exercise, or go out of town for six weeks! Hopefully it will go by quickly!